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AATP Accelerated Artisan Training Programme
ABET Adult Basic Education and Training
Act The Skills Development Act No 97 of 1998 (as amended)
Administration costs Means the costs contemplated in grant regulation 4(3) in terms of the Act
Alternate A person appointed to act on behalf of a member of the Accounting Authority in the absence of the latter
AMEO Automobile Manufacturers’ Employers Organisation
AMIC Auto Manufacturing Industry Certificate
ARPL Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning
ASGISA Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa
ATR Annual Training Report
ATRAMI Artisan Training and Recognition Agreement for the Metal Industry
Audit and Risk Committee The committee established in terms of schedule 5 clause 2(1) (b) of the constitution to monitor the Governing Board in discharging its duties relating to the management of the financial affairs of the merSETA


BBBEE Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment
BSC Balanced Scorecard


CBMT Competency Based Modular Training
CBO Community Based Organisation
CEPPWAWU Chemical, Energy, Pulp, Paper, Wood and Allied Workers Union
CFO Chief Financial Officer
Chairperson The Chairperson of the Accounting Authority nominated in terms of clause 9 of the constitution
Chambers The chambers established in terms of schedule 5A of the constitution, as provided under section 12 of the Act
CHE Council for Higher Education
Chief Executive Officer The Chief Executive Officer of the merSETA who is appointed under clause 11 of the constitution.
CLO Client Liaison Officer
Committee Any permanent committee, ad hoc or sub-committee of the merSETA, established in terms of the constitution
Constitution Means the constitution of the merSETA, in terms of section 13 of the Skills Development Act, No 97 of 1998 (as amended)


DHET The Department of Higher Education and Training
Director General Means the Director-General of Higher Education and Training
Discretionary Grants Means grants contemplated in grant regulation 7, in terms of the Act
DoE Department of Basic Education
DoL Department of Labour
DTI Department of Trade and Industry


Education and Training Registered statements of desired education and training outcomes and their associated standards assessment criteria as defined in the SAQA Act
ETQA Education and Training Quality Assurance Body
Executive Committee The committee established in terms of sub-clause 8.1 (a) of the constitution which has oversight of the management of the operational affairs of the merSETA


FET Further Education and Training
Financial year Means the period contemplated in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, which covers the period 1 April to 31 March
FRIDGE Fund for Research into Industrial Development Growth and Equity


GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
GDS Growth and Development Summit
Governing Board Accounting Authority of the merSETA
GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice


IDZ Industrial Development Zone
ISOE Institute of Sectoral, Occupational Excellence


Levies Act The Skills Development Levies Act 1999 (Act No 9 of 2003)


NAMB National Artisans Moderation Body


QCTO Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
QDP Quality Development Partner