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Dear merSETA Stakeholder

Please be advised that the merSETA Discretionary Grant Window 1 for the Financial Year 2023/24 closed on 31 May 2023. The value of applications is over R16 billion and we have begun the verification & evaluation of these applications. We are working towards finalising the processing of the applications by end of August 2023. Please note that during the verification process, our Regional Office team will be in contact with you. The envisaged date for communicating application outcomes is 15 September 2023.

Yours in Skills Development

Vacancy Application Mailbox

Attention Prospective Applicants

Please note that the merSETA is aware of the issue of our job applications mailbox being full, and that many of our prospective applicants have not been able to submit their applications for various vacancies. We are happy to report that the issue has since been resolved and that all those interested in any of the available vacancies may now proceed to apply. Additionally, considering the inconvenience this has caused, we have decided to extend all applications closing dates for the vacancies affected by this error by seven (7) working days, effective immediately.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused and wish all applicants the best of luck.

Please note that all visitors to the merSETA head office and regional offices are required to produce positive identification.

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Book Launch

2021 Inter Chamber
Conference Updates

Book Launch: Honouring the life works of Adrienne Bird through her book titled “From Sweeper To Engineer” Click here to view/download the book – with supporting keynote address by Messrs. Alec Erwin and Daryl McLean summarised in the 2021 Inter Chamber Conference Report. Use of the book for any form of publication is subject to the copyright conditions expressed on the front cover of the book.

Click here to view/download the book

2021 Inter Chamber Conference Report