Unit’s Value Proposition:
Striving to provide quality in support of the quest to be “Leaders in closing the skills gap”. Committed to informed decision making; sound research methodologies and reliable quantitative and qualitative data.
Research and Sector Skills Planning
Sector Skills Planning is a central feature of the research function at the merSETA.
Research activities undertaken at the merSETA feed into sectoral processes which include activities of the Chambers Unit. The Sector Skills Plan forms part of this process but it is a distinct activity with its own timelines and specific processes in line with guidelines from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).
The overall approach to skills planning takes cognisance of the need for a credible mechanism to address the skills development needs of the merSETA sector and to this end it takes into consideration both quantitative and qualitative research methods supported by a competent research team as well as a stakeholder-driven verification process and inputs for all skills planning activities from regional and sub-sectoral perspectives.
Skills planning cannot take place in isolation of the wider economy and is heavily reliant on Labour Market Intelligence and understanding.
merSETA has put in place a research team with technical abilities to engage with subject matter experts and actively participate in DHET lead initiatives such as the Research Forum on Post School Education and Training (PSET) as well as the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP).
Efforts have been increased to understand and unpack internal data and information to assess trends with respect to skills planning and merSETA-led interventions to meet industry demands as well as reducing skills gaps and shortages. This involves internal data mining as well as harnessing the pockets of research and key knowledge generation efforts across the organisation. It provides a context for reviewing our work as we proceed to achieve the objectives of our mandate.
1. Sector Skills Planning
2015 OFO version
– 2015
– 2017
Sector Skills Plans
– All SSPs from 2012-2017
Regional Sector Skills Plans
– All regional SSPs (2013)
2. Current Projects
- Supply and Demand study
3. Completed Projects
- Composites Research project 2016;
- The Future of Manufacturing (in collaboration with Development Policy Research Unit);
- Operation Phakisa skills development roadmap for the Offshore Oil and Gas industry in South Africa 2015 (in collaboration with South African Oil and Gas Alliance); and
- Evaluating LNG to Powerskills in South Africa 2015 (in collaboration with South African Oil and Gas Alliance).
Skills Planning Unit
Sector Skills Plans
- merSETA SSP 2013_2014
- merSETA SSP 2014_2015
- merSETA SSP 2015_2016
- merSETA SSP 2016_2017
- merSETA SSP 2017_2018
Regional Sector Skills Plans
- merSETA Regional Sector Skills Plan_ Eastern Cape_Final Report_21102013
- merSETA Regional Sector Skills Plan_ Free State -Northern Cape_Final Report 21102013
- merSETA Regional Sector Skills Plan_ Gauteng-North West_Final Report 21102013
- merSETA Regional Sector Skills Plan_KZN_Final Report 21102013
- merSETA Regional Sector Skills Plan_Mpumalanga-Limpopo _Final Report_21102013
- merSETA Regional Sector Skills Plan_Western Cape_Final Report 18102013
- RSSP Synthesis Report_Final 21102013
Industry Related Projects
- Final Report Composite Skills Mapping_2016-11-30
- Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) 2018-20
- LNG_to Power Skills01_SAOGA_2016_Rev03
- OFO Update Version 2015
- OFO Version 2013
- OFO Version 2017
- Phakisa – Draft M Offshore Oil and Gas Skills Roadmap – 9 December 2015 NWA final (003)
- State Of Manufacturing In South Africa 18Nov2016